Hello, I am Ryan Steele

Companies and Projects

I am the co-founder and partner at Solvenna, a consulting firm focused on helping enterprise clients with data, analytics and marketing projects. The name Solvenna combines the words ‘Solve‘ and ‘Venn‘ and was created to highlight that true value is created when you can operate at the intersection of multiple disciplines.

I run a toy company Pool Cups. Check them out and buy some for the kids. Kids love Pool Cups!

Connect with me

You can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn. I’m usually talking Crypto and NFTs on Twitter and discussing marketing technology on LinkedIn

Twitter: @ryansteele
LinkedIn: @ryanksteele

The Fun Stuff

I am a dad to 3 young kiddos. I enjoy coaching soccer, cooking, photography, nature and travel.

I’m married to the coolest high school math teacher you’ll ever meet.